The 30-Year Rule…

Reyner Banham could occasionally be heard lamenting that his fellow historians would not consider anything less than 30 years past ‘historic’*.

34 years after his death, his own work now seems to be considered properly part of the history of design; some of his books have been re-published and his multitude of essays & articles are much-discussed on-line, in podcasts and, even, in academe.

The recent change in his reputation is noticeable; 20 years ago the idea that someone would organise an event to mark the centenary of his birth would have left many non-plussed.

On the afternoon March 4th. the Architectural Association will be host to What happens on your 100th birthday?, a symposium which will “bring together multi-generational duets of scholars and practitioners engaging on themes key to the life and intellectual legacy of the English critic”.

Details on the Architectural Association School website


*In the United Kingdom, most government records considered ‘secret’ are automatically de-classified after 30 years, hence ‘the 30-year rule’.

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